
Stress-Free Family Holiday Celebrations at Restaurants

Holiday with Ease

By Robbie Hardges - Macaroni KID Oak Park December 19, 2023

The holiday season is upon us, and with it comes the delightful chaos of planning family celebrations. If you're a mom juggling a myriad of tasks, from gift shopping to decorating and everything in between, the thought of hosting a holiday feast might feel like one task too many. In my professional life, I am a hairstylist of 18 years, behind the chair I am slammed from Thanksgiving to New Year's Eve.  I would constantly be worn out from the pull of at-home holiday obligations of tradition, and making sure my clients can be serviced during the time of parties, events, and gatherings.  About 9 years ago my husband suggested going out to dinner for one Thanksgiving and I haven't looked back since.  This year, consider a stress-free alternative that not only allows you to savor the season but also leaves you with more time to enjoy the magic with your loved ones – dining out! Just give me a couple of minutes of your time, and I bet I can convince you to consider this option moving forward.  

The Gift of Time:

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself this holiday season is the luxury of time. And please do not be fooled, time is a scarce luxury that is unreplenishable. By dining out for your family celebrations, you instantly eliminate the need for grocery shopping mayhem, extensive meal preparation, and the inevitable post-feast clean-up. My refrigerator can't even hold all of the leftovers! Picture this: no hours spent slaving away in the kitchen, no piles of dirty dishes, and no scrubbing pots and pans. Instead, you get to savor the festive moments with your family and friends, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

Economically Sound Celebrations:

Contrary to the belief that dining out for the holidays is a luxury, it can be a budget-friendly option, especially with current grocery prices. When did a whole fryer (chicken) start costing upward of $13? When you factor in the cost of groceries, gas, mileage, decorations, and the potential need for additional kitchenware (and seasonings you won't use again until next year), dining out often proves to be a more economically sound choice. Many restaurants offer special holiday menus or packages, saving you the hassle of coordinating a meal plan and ensuring you can stick to your budget without compromising on the festive experience.

Stress-Free Planning:

The holiday season is notorious for its high stress levels, but opting for a restaurant celebration can alleviate much of that tension. No need to worry about whether the turkey will be perfectly cooked or if there's enough seating for everyone – let the professionals handle it! What about your gluten-free, dairy-free, vegan, pescatarian family members? Or those with strict medical dietary restrictions, not to mention picky toddlers? Most restaurants offer an array of selections to accommodate any palate. There are reservation options available, allowing you to secure your preferred date and time, and many even provide catering services if you'd prefer to bring the celebration home without the stress of cooking.

Holiday Hosting Friendly Tips for Moms:

For busy moms seeking a stress-free holiday celebration, consider these tips when searching for alternative holiday dining options:

  1. "Time-Saving Holiday Meals": Discover local restaurants offering pre-ordered holiday meals, allowing you to enjoy a festive feast without the prep work.
  2. "Budget-Friendly Dining Out": Explore family-friendly restaurants with special holiday offers, ensuring a delightful celebration that won't break the bank.
  3. "Stress-Free Family Gatherings": Prioritize restaurants with reservation options to secure a stress-free holiday experience for you and your loved ones.
  4. "Celebrate Without the Cleanup": Embrace the joy of dining out during the holidays and savor the season without the burden of post-feast cleanup.

This holiday season, give yourself the gift of a stress-free celebration by considering the dining-out option. From saving time and money to enjoying a hassle-free planning process, the benefits are plenty. Choose a local restaurant, make a reservation, and relish in the joy of the season with your family and friends. After all, the holidays are meant to be enjoyed, not stressed over. Cheers to creating magical memories without the added holiday hustle!